Handshake teams up with AGCAS to power graduate employability

January 24, 2022

The team at Handshake is delighted to announce a new collaboration with the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS). Handshake has become an AGCAS Platinum Supporter.

As an AGCAS supporter the Handshake team will benefit from the extensive professional knowledge from across the diverse AGCAS membership. In turn, Handshake will provide insights related to technological development and potential utilisation in the sector. Together, the pair will bring unique insight to the sector, as universities work to support their student career development and graduate employment outcomes.

Clare Adams, Head of University Success, UK says: “Handshake is a natural partner for AGCAS,  sharing a vision for a better, democratised,  graduate employment landscape. Its blend of research and advocacy is already proving hugely beneficial to the Handshake team, and we look forward to a long and fruitful partnership.”

Elaine Boyes, AGCAS Executive Director said ‘We appreciate the support that Handshake is demonstrating for AGCAS, our mission and vision. We look forward to collaborating with them on activities to support the HE careers profession this year.’

The first joint activity for the two organisations will be a co-authored report into Careers Services of the future, working together with several other prominent sector organisations and with input from Heads of Careers Services and graduate employers. The paper, due for release in early 2022, will provide practical guidance for building a careers industry fit for a rapidly evolving employment landscape.

Look out for more from the Handshake and AGCAS collaboration in the weeks and months ahead.
