Careers and Employability on the Edtech Podcast

Natalie Nezhati

December 16, 2019

Hear our very own UK Head Handshaker, David Shull, in conversation with Sophie Bailey on the Edtech Podcast. Find out why a group of engineering students studying in "the middle of nowhere" at Michigan Tech University decided to create Handshake, how Handshake has revolutionised university career centre management and why access to opportunity for all students is key.

Here are a few highlights from the conversation:

"As well as asking students standard questions to find out what industries, sectors, and functions they want to work in, we want to find out what really resonates with them. What are the attributes of a company that are important to you?  What's the culture of an organisation? Do you prefer mentorship or something that's a little more laid back? Is it particularly important to you to work somewhere that's supportive of family life? What are looking for as an individual?"

"The U.K. government's emphasis on outcomes has created a series of incentives that drive a focus on employability that you don't see in the U.S."

"We're democratising access to opportunity and social capital to truly level the playing field in the bridge to work"

"When I was graduating from university, I never thought I'd use my work experiences. You never know what skills are going to come in handy"

We hope you enjoy the ideas raised as much as we did and we'd love to hear what you think. Why not join the conversation on social media by sharing your own 'weird but wonderful' career trajectory.
